North American Green’s Ultimate Assurance Guarantee is the most comprehensive product performance guarantee in the industry.

The Ultimate Assurance Guarantee warrants all registered projects designed using the latest version of North American Green’s ECMDS® (Erosion Control Materials Design Software) and installed properly to unmatched levels—enabling engineers and contractors to design effective erosion control with complete confidence.

Under the Ultimate Assurance Guarantee, if any properly designed, specified, and installed North American Green product fails, North American Green will replace the failed product with our next higher-performance product, along with the cost of any seed, fertilizer, topsoil, or other amendments lost due to product failure.

Plus, North American Green turf reinforcement mats are  guaranteed to reinforce vegetation for five years, and the functional longevity of the permanent structures of these products is warranted for an unprecedented minimum of 10 years after installation.

So use ECMDS and design with confidence, knowing that your project is backed by the Ultimate Assurance Guarantee. Click here for full guarantee details.