BioNet® Biodegradable Erosion Control Blankets

North American Green BioNet® Biodegradable Erosion Control Blankets (ECBs) provide effective and all-natural erosion control and vegetation establishment in an environmentally and wildlife-friendly manner. Every BioNet ECB product is made of organic, biodegradable materials perfect for bioengineering applications, environmentally sensitive sites, shaded areas, stream banks and shorelines. 

Additional benefits and features include:

  • Little to no risk of wildlife entrapment
  • Easy to sprig or plant through
  • High durability, fiber retention and mechanical stability with Leno weave technology
  • Lightweight jute netting performs better than ECBs made with polypropylene netting
  • Greater water absorption than ECBs made with polypropylene netting
  • Superior blanket conformance and soil adherence compared to ECBs made with polypropylene netting
  • Better erosion protection and mulching capabilities than ECBs with polypropylene netting
  • 100% biodegradable
  • No direct sunlight exposure required to initiate degradation

BioNet ECB products include:

  • BioNet® 700BN Long-Term Biodegradable Coir-Net Coconut Blanket
  • BioNet® C125BN® Long-Term Biodegradable Double-Net Coconut Blanket
  • BioNet® SC150BN® Extended-Term Biodegradable Double-Net Straw/Coconut Blanket
  • BioNet® S150BN® Short-Term Biodegradable Double-Net Straw Blanket
  • BioNet® S75BN® Short-Term Biodegradable Single-Net Straw Blanket


  • BioNet® C700BN Long-Term Biodegradable Coir-Net Coconut Blanket
    • The strongest and most long-lasting ECB in the BioNet product line
    • Its jute bottom net and coconut fiber matrix are enhanced with the addition of a heavy 700g coir top net
    • Performs in critical applications for up to four year
  • BioNet® C125BN® Long-Term Biodegradable Double-Net Coconut Blanket
    • Provides more effective erosion protection and mulch than open weave coir nets
    • Made up of a dense layer of coconut fiber stitched between jute nettings
    • Performs in critical applications for up to 24 months
  • BioNet® SC150BN® Extended-Term Biodegradable Double-Net Straw/Coconut Blanket
    • Delivers erosion protection and mulching for up to 18 months
    • For applications requiring extra strength and erosion control
    • Features a layer of 70% straw/30% coconut fiber stitched between biodegradable natural fiber top and bottom nets
  • BioNet® S150BN® Short-Term Biodegradable Double-Net Straw Blanket
    • For applications requiring greater durability and performance than what single-net biodegradable ECBs provide
    • Contains a 100% straw fiber matrix stitched between biodegradable natural fiber top and bottom nets
    • Offers up to 12 months of erosion protection and mulching action
  • BioNet® S75BN® Short-Term Biodegradable Single-Net Straw Blanket
    • Provides better erosion protection and mulching action than conventional jute nettings alone
    • 100% straw fiber matrix stitched to a biodegradable natural fiber top net
    • Supplies up to 12 months of erosion control and vegetation growth support

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